Company Profile.

Why choose Agent Assistance over the competition? Read on.

First, we work with you to create a custom solution tailored to your marketing needs. We don’t use cookie-cutter templates or techniques that will almost always yield fewer results.

We work hard to make our clients happy. Not only are we always there for them, we work hard for each and every one to insure that they are totally satisfied whether they need a business card or a website.

We don’t sell “packages” as we aren’t a packaging company. We sell effective, extensible marketing concepts, techniques and products. And...we offer them for less than a quarter of our competition.

How is possible that our solutions are better and yet cost thousands less than everyone else? Simple. No overhead and more time spent on the work rather than the administrative red tape. We don’t own a 10-story high rise in Silicon Valley, and we won’t keep you at an arms length from our designers and developers. Most of the time they are the ones not only meeting with our clients but are the ones answering the phones and responding to support requests.

We’ve been around for three years and our business has exploded. We aren’t trying to make a quick buck or sell you a faulty solution; we’re here for now and we’ll be here in the future. Our experience and longevity matters.

Our ideas are fresh and new every time we sit down for a new project. We have a certain amount of techniques that have proven to work. We use those to build upon with every new project.

Finally, the region’s most experienced Realtors have trusted us with the construction of their websites, the management of their print marketing and development of their personal brand. Our current client base and their many referrals tell us we're on the right track.
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